Ask Julia: How to keep your records clean?
Vinyl and their relationship with dust is a tough one. They seem to love each other, but dust lets your record make clicks and hiss noises you don’t want to hear. a dusty record is also really bad for your needle who has to work through it. All that dust, when does it stop? Well, it's a never-ending story, but together with our friends from AM we’ll keep your records dust-free in a fun, nicely designed and easy way.
The battle against dust starts after you picked the record you want to listen to. Before you listen to the record, always use an anti-static brush to make the record dust free. Use long brush strokes in circular motions and make sure you follow the grooves. Anti-Static is the key feature in this step. If you don’t use an anti-static brush your record will turn into a magnet and will collect even more dust into the grooves. If you use the brush every time before you listen to a record it ensures that dust will not pile up.
Did you just buy a second-hand record or do you want to listen to a golden oldie that laid in your storage for a long time? Then it is time to give the record some extra love and a deep cleanse. For this step, you need a cotton cloth and cleaning solution.
The first thing you do is check your record under direct light for fingerprints or dusty spots. Spray some cleaning solution on your cotton cloth, address the fingerprints and dusty spots first and then wipe your record (again in circular motions) clean. Make sure you don’t press too hard on your record. What’s more satisfying than to put a freshly cleaned shiny record on your record player. Ok sorry #vinylnerd, but just try it. It’s the best!
What a lot of people forget is that the needle of your record player also collects dust and can cause your record to skip. Check your needle before you push on the play button and use the stylus brush in a back to front motion.
With these three easy steps, you make sure you can enjoy your records longer. Do you have a question about analog music or your record player? Use #askjulia and we will get back to you.